In a previous blog/video I’ve talked about practicing harmonics by playing Reveille and the very positive effect this can have on tone. Now, I’m revisiting harmonics with a new exercise that will help to increase resonance in your tone.
Match Pitch to the Harmonic
To do this, I begin with by playing a low C, and then while still fingering the low C, blow the hair gently up 2 harmonics, ending up with a G. Play this harmonic G with a spectacular harmonic sound. Make it as beautiful as you can. Let the dynamic be a niceĀ forte. I love playing this G with a spectacular harmonic sound. It won’t be a “real” sound but it can still be a great sound.
The next step after the beautiful spinning harmonic sound is to change your fingering to the real fingering for a G, and match those two spectacular sounds. Don’t let the actual tone lack any body from the harmonic and vice versa. Play this low C to G, a couple of times. Each time you play it, see if you can make the harmonic sound even better than when you move to the actual G fingering. Don’t let the sound change. Match the harmonic sound to the actual sound in a seamless transition.
When you play the notes with a full sound it’s fine to take a breath in between.
Breathe if You Must
Once you have played the C – G harmonic, move to C# with the harmonic G#. Match pitch in the same way.
When playing with a full sound I usually fill my cheeks with air to keep the embouchure relaxed and to make the tone more full.
From C#, I move to D, Eb, E, F, F#, and G with their corresponding harmonics.
Fill Your Cheeks
After just a short time working with the harmonics in this fashion, you’ll begin to reap the benefits in your tone. I like to pair this exercise with harmonics: Reveille. When I play both I feel that my tone responds beautifully. A point to remember is to always keep the embouchure loose. Don’t let it tighten.
Have fun working on your harmonics!
Watch me demonstrate this: FluteTips 68 Harmonics Matching Pitch Exercise
Practice Harmonics to Improve Your Tone