Do you keep your fingers on the flute when you play? Are you letting gravity pull them down? If not, you should be.

Your fingers need to be staying on the keys when you play.

They move much better.

They’re more efficient.

They’re faster.

3 FluteTips 17 D Finger Not UpAnd they’re less noisy when they’re staying on the keys.

Keep your A flat pinky, your E flat pinky, and your D finger near their keys.

When you’re playing a D, don’t let your first finger come up too high. It’s much more efficient to have it down than to bring it down and make it slam.

There are definitely times where I’m doing extended techniques and I want to make a lot of noise with my fingers by slapping down the keys. But in general, we flute players need to play with quite fingers.

2 FluteTips 17 Keep Your E Flat Pinky HereDon’t let your wrist come out too much so that your A flat pinky can barely get on the key. If he’s having trouble, it’s usually because you need to bend your wrist just a little bit more in, and then it will stay.

Practice in front of a mirror to make sure you keep your fingers on those keys where they are supposed to be.

So, work on that until you have quieter fingers that move faster and more efficiently. You’ll be glad you did.

Have Fun!


Watch me demonstrate this: FluteTips 17 Finger Positions

FluteTips 17 Finger Positions

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Finger Touch

What About Your Fingers?

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