by Dr. Angela McBrearty | Nov 11, 2021 | FluteTips, Performing, Practice, Vibrato
Have you ever wondered what making good music is really all about? What makes those professionals have that extra something special in their music that is missing in others? That something extra that they have is called nuance. A nuanced performance has special...
by Dr. Angela McBrearty | Sep 10, 2020 | Breathing, Finger Placements, FluteTips, Performing, Practice, Teachers
Grounding. That is an interesting word when referring to flute playing. So, what does it mean? I think it refers to all that resounds when you play. It is all about the things needed to reach depth of tone and resonance. For this blog (and Flute Tip) I will reference...
by Dr. Angela McBrearty | Jul 9, 2020 | Embouchure, Performing, Practice, Teachers, Tone
What is tone color? Tone color is one of those things that’s just a little bit ethereal. What really is tone color? And how do we do it? What does it mean when we play the flute? I remember when I was in college, thinking, “All right, so what’s this...
by Dr. Angela McBrearty | Jul 2, 2020 | FluteTips, Performing, Practice
We all have problems cleaning up fast passages. When you hear someone playing flawlessly with crystal clear passages it is something to be admired. it is a lovely thing when you hear every single note. Playing cleanly takes a player from the amateur level up a notch...
by Dr. Angela McBrearty | Mar 12, 2020 | Breathing, Daily Routine, FluteTips, Performing, Practice
Breathing in the middle of a solo can sometimes be quite tricky when done properly. Actually, I don’t think it’s that tricky, we just think it’s tricky and so we don’t do it properly. Generally, when we’re playing in the middle of a solo...
by Dr. Angela McBrearty | Mar 5, 2020 | FluteTips, Performing, Practice, Technique
Everyone has problems rushing. In life and in music. Rushing is what makes a passage not sound smooth as glass. It is what makes the fingers and tongue get out of sync with each other in a double tonguing passage. There are times where you don’t even know that...