Fail to Plan Plan to FailWe all set personal goals in the new year, right? But do you have flute goals?

What are your flute goals for 2018? What are you dreaming about doing, performing, achieving?

My Flute Goals:

  1. Fill in my performance schedule.
    You have to work at scheduling gigs. They don’t just fall into your lap.
  2. Finalize the quartet program and plan recitals.
    This year it was my pleasure to form a flute quartet comprised of 2 of my former students who have graduated with flute degrees, and a current student whom I’m helping prepare for grad school auditions. So far, we’ve been playing through music to see what will work on a program. As soon as we schedule a recital that will create the pressure needed to knuckle down and work on the nitty-gritty.
  3. Determine the best time of day to write for my flute projects and stick with it.
    Many have said that if you want to find the time to write, you must schedule it into your day.
  4. Make a music video.
    This one is a scary one for me. It is definitely out of my comfort zone. But, I would like to try my hand at it. It will also mean that I arrange a piece to play, and that isn’t my forte. I have something started and I am inspired to keep working on it. If I work on it too long then I get overwhelmed with what needs to be done. I have learned that short spurts will keep me going.
  5. Have a planning session with my duo partner (percussionist) pick a program.
    We’ve performed together several times over the last few years.
  6. Increase rate of instructional videos.
    I’ve been publishing a new FluteTips video every Thursday. I’d like to increase that pace with a new video training series that I’ve already started filming.
  7. Feel overwhelmed!
    (This is not a flute goal.)

A Goal without a planThere are a lot of things to do and it can feel overwhelming.

But, I’m going to write these goals down in my planner, and work toward achieving them! In any case, even if I don’t achieve everything, I will achieve some of the goals and be further ahead for having set them.

Happy goal setting and planning!

Doctor Flute